Gift Deed
Table of Contents
ToggleA Gift Deed is a legal document describing voluntary transfer of property ownership from one person to another without any monetary consideration. Here the donor gives to property as gift to donee without any cash or money. The gift deed is registered with the registrar under section 17 of the Indian Registration Act, 1908. A Gift Deed can be done for both movable and immovable properties. It can be between blood relations or any other aswell. Contact us today for Gift Deed Registration in Mumbai with no hassle.

Gift Deed in Hindi
गिफ्ट डीड एक कानूनी दस्तावेज है जो बिना किसी मौद्रिक प्रतिफल के एक व्यक्ति से दूसरे व्यक्ति को संपत्ति के स्वामित्व के स्वैच्छिक हस्तांतरण का वर्णन करता है। यहां दानकर्ता बिना किसी नकदी या पैसे के प्राप्तकर्ता को उपहार के रूप में संपत्ति देता है। उपहार विलेख भारतीय पंजीकरण अधिनियम, 1908 की धारा 17 के तहत रजिस्ट्रार के साथ पंजीकृत है।
Gift Deed in Marathi
गिफ्ट डीड हा एक कायदेशीर दस्तऐवज आहे जो कोणत्याही आर्थिक विचाराशिवाय एका व्यक्तीकडून दुसऱ्या व्यक्तीकडे मालमत्तेच्या मालकीचे ऐच्छिक हस्तांतरण वर्णन करतो. येथे देणगीदार कोणत्याही रोख किंवा पैशाशिवाय देणगीदाराला मालमत्ता भेट म्हणून देतो. भारतीय नोंदणी कायदा, 1908 च्या कलम 17 अंतर्गत भेटवस्तू डीडची नोंदणी रजिस्ट्रारकडे केली जाते.
Documents Required in Gift Deed Registration
1 Old Sale Deed
2 Identity Proof of both donor and recipient of Gift.
3 Address Proof.
4 No Objection Certification from bank or other institution that the property is not mortgaged.
5 Gift Deed draft.
6 Birth Certificate of recipient to proof relation with donor.
7 Electric Bill.
Gift Deed Procedure in Mumbai?
1 Visiting sub-registrar office: Visiting sub-registrar office with all required documents is the first process for Gift Deed registration in Mumbai.
2 Submission of Duly Filled registration form
3 Verification of documents and stamp duty payment: all the documents and verified by the sub-registrar office and stamp duty fees is paid.
4 Signing documents: The registrar officer will ask both donor and donee to sign on some other related documents in front of witnesses.
5 Receiving Gift Deed: One all above formalities is completed, the received/donee will get a Deed of Gift as proof of transfer of property.