Home   Tribunals Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal

A person or business who feels wronged by DRT orders may appeal those decisions to the Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal (DRAT). Within 45 days of obtaining the DRT orders, the appeal must be filed. The DRAT won't consider the appeal until the person pays the 75% of the debt that was judged to be owed by the DRT. Both DRT and DRAT operate in accordance with the notion of natural justice and are endowed with the same authority as any civil court.


Only 5 DRATs are now located in India, and they are in Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, and Allahabad. According to Section 20(3) of the RDDBFI Act, a DRAT appeal must now be lodged within 45 days of the day the DRAT receives a copy of the Tribunal's order. The proviso to 20(3), however, stipulates that if there is sufficient justification to show that the appeal could not have been lodged sooner, the Appellate Tribunal may also grant an appeal after the lapse of 45 days. It is important to remember that DRAT can be contacted in cases when temporary relief must be acquired on a temporary application or other application that is a part of the initial application.

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