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In India, the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) was established in 1988 in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act of 1986. In New Delhi, it has its headquarters. A Supreme Court of India judge who is now sitting or has retired is in charge of the commission. Currently, Justice R K Agrawal, a former Supreme Court of India judge, is in charge of the commission.


According to Section 21 of the Consumer Protection Act of 1986, the National Commission has the authority to hear complaints worth more than two crore rupees as well as to appeal and review decisions made by State Commissions or District Fora, as the situation may require. According to Section 23 of the Consumer Protection Act of 1986, anyone who is unhappy with a decision made by the NCDRC has 30 days to file an appeal with the Supreme Court of India.

The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (often known as "The Act") is a helpful piece of social law that establishes consumer rights and makes provisions for their promotion and protection. The first and only Act of its kind in India, it has made it possible for regular consumers to obtain a less expensive and frequently quick resolution to their complaints. The Act eliminates the adage "Buyer Beware" by laying forth the rights and remedies of consumers in a market previously dominated by organized producers, traders, and suppliers of various goods and services.

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